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Rest Area

May 14 2015
1315 Queen Street St. West
Toronto, Canada

Marvin Luvualu Antonio
Rosemary Flutur
Hillary Montana Matt
Duncan Alexander Cameron Stewart

"A good spot to rest from a couple of hours of intense highway driving.
I had to relax my middle finger after flipping off so many highway morons.
That little stalk on your steering wheel column? It's not going to bite
you, I promise. Do your highway neighbours a favor and SIGNAL when you're
changing lanes. Ugh!

Anyway, I stopped here and managed to get a half hour nap. Very few
parking spaces are in any sort of dark area away from the overhead lights.
I suppose this is intentional, but when you want to be out of the light
for sleepy time, it's a bummer."

~ Bruce K. (Charlotte, United States)

Left to Right
Hillary Montana Matt They blended together like this, with hardly a seem to show the difference 2015
Duncan Alexander Cameron Stewart Untitled (Fragile) 2015
Marvin Luvualu Antonio Something bad happened 2015

Left to Right
Marvin Luvualu Antonio Something bad happened 2015
Rosemary Flutur P 2015
Rosemary Flutur No Jute 2015

Hillary Montana Matt
They blended together like this, with hardly a seem to show the difference

Duncan Alexander Cameron Stewart
Untitled (Fragile)

Marvin Luvualu Antonio
Something bad happened

Left to Right
Rosemary Flutur B 2015
Rosemary Flutur No Jute 2015

Left to Right
Rosemary Flutur P 2015
Rosemary Flutur No Jute 2015

Left to Right
Rosemary Flutur P 2015
Rosemary Flutur No Jute 2015